Career Growth at Pinnacle

We believe that each Pinnacle teammate deserves the opportunity to prove themselves and grow personally and professionally. We know room for growth is important to you because it's important to us too.
At Pinnacle, your path is up to you.

Our team's experience speaks for itself

15 years ago, I started my career in the Substance Abse field as a Residential Aid at Recovery Works Georgetown.  In my role as an RA, I had the opportunity to sit with our patients during their most vulnerable times. I had been in their shoes and tried to show them that life can and will get better on the other side of treatment. From there, I moved into the admissions department, then became the admissions lead. 

Just before the pandemic, was promoted to Patient Care Navigator. I worked alongside other hospitals, EMS, police and anyone in our area who was seeing patients that needed help with substance abuse. During the pandemic, we didn't know how hard the recovery community would be hit and how many people would be reaching out for help. I was in a position again to be that first voice that someone needing help heard, and I took this very seriously; to make sure that the patient was connected with services that could help them.

In the past year, I was promoted to Community Relations Coordinator for Kentucky and manage our Patient Care Navigators in Ohio, Indiana and Virgina.  I've been given the opportunity to work in spaces I never thought possible. I've meet and spoke with our Govenor and our Attorney General about what Pinnacle Treatment Centers does to help individuals. I'm truly grateful for the work I get to do every day and the patients and families I get to help.

Sheena Craiger

Residential Aid à Admissions à Patient Care Navigator à Community Relations Coordinator
My career at Pinnacle began in 2021 as a Care Coordinator in the Contact Center, where I was responsible for handling calls from patients that were seeking our treatment services. I told my patients then, as I continue to do now, that my training for this role has been a lifelong journey with my own personal struggles with addiction and recovery.

I spent almost three years in the Contact Center before I transitioned to a Counselor Intern position where today I’m working towards my CADC certification.  I thoroughly enjoy being able to educate, relate to, and demonstrate to my patients that long-term recovery is possible. Previously in Admissions, I would see patients at the beginning of their journey and only heard from them again if they were discharged (which is great!) but now, I get to observe and participate on a much broader scale which is extremely rewarding for me on many levels.

Well before enrolling in my Bachelor's and now finishing my Master's in Clinical Psychology, I wanted people to know that there can be positives even in our darkest moments. I wanted them to learn from my mistakes and share in our achievements through recovery, since too often addiction is so stigmatized that it’s not easy for someone to share without feeling shame, guilt or embarrassment. Pinnacle has allowed me to do just that!

John Joseph

Care Coordinator à Counseling Intern
I started working at Pinnacle Treatment Centers in January 2021, not knowing what laid in front of me. I walked into a world I knew nothing about. I left the world of Retail Management for something I never knew I'd one day love. I started as a Residential Aide and within two weeks I knew I was exactly where God wanted me to be, seeing faces of struggle turn into faces of hope.

By August of 2021, I had been promoted to Admissions Coordinator, where I was one of the first faces our patients (and some of their family) would see. I've been a caretaker, I’ve been a friend, I’ve been an ear to bend and shoulder to cry on. I've had patients that wanted to leave, not willing to cooperate, then I see them a week later and they stop me in the hallway just to say thank you for being so patient with me.  

In April 2023, I was promoted to Accounting Clerk. I enjoy my new position; numbers has always been my thing and the team I work with is amazing! This proved to me that mobility is valued at Pinnacle, the only limit is really yourself. Becoming part of Pinnacle has not only helped me but it’s helped my family. My husband and daughter work for Pinnacle too! I can't thank Pinnacle enough for what they have given to us.

Jessica Himes

Residential Aide à Admissions Coordinator à Accounting Clerk
I started my career with Pinnacle Treatment Centers as a Receptionist at Recovery Works Georgetown in 2014. I had the opportunity to greet new admissions and their families, answer any questions they had and offer encouragement as they began their recovery journeys! After six months, I was asked to cross-train in the Admissions and Medical Records departments.

I was eventually promoted to Medical Records Technician, where I worked closely with our providers and other facilities in the state to fill record requests and receive records for our clients to continue providing the best care. From there, I was quickly promoted to Admissions Coordinator where I got to spend time with our new patients, getting them admitted and acclimated to start their recovery journey.
In 2019, I was promoted to Admissions Lead and then promoted to Admissions Manager in 2022, where I currently oversee the Admissions department, Medical Records, and Receptionists. This field is near and dear to my heart, the work we do daily has impacted countless lives, and I am so happy that I get to play a part in that. One of my favorite things about working for Pinnacle is seeing how we put people first. Not only the patients in our care and our teammates, but also the communities we serve. ​​​​​​​

Jessica Mifflin

Receptionist à Medical Records Technician à Admissions Coordinator à
Admissions Lead
à Admissions Manager